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Original paintings of

The forest is always magical: whether it’s a warm summer evening full of singing birds or even a spooky and misty day during winter. What is better than bringing this cozy, countryside-theme into your own interior? Drumming woodpeckers, mysterious owls and grazing deer in the morning: hearing or seeing woodland animals is always a fascinating moment. Give yourself that everlasting fairytale-feeling with these British & North American wildlife species and discover your favourite forest animal paintings at Dominique Laurine.

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Little owl in watercolor - Dominique Laurine
Andalusian Horse Watercolor Dominique Laurine_edited_edited_edited.jpg

Horses, canines & wildlife illustrations in

It’s the most traditional form of art: an oil painting. In this collection you’ll find the biggest artworks, painted with this luxurious and classic medium. All of the horses, canines and wildlife paintings are created with synthetic brushes and non-animal materials only, which makes the process completely vegan. They’re personally signed in the front with the Dominique Laurine signature. Ready to find yours? Discover your favourite original oil painting here.

Wildife art


Drumming woodpeckers, trumpeting Canada geese & grazing deer in the morning light: the enchanting forest is always magical. Whether it's a summer evening or a spooky and misty day in December: nature will never lose its charming beauty. Grewing up with -over the years- 3 Golden Retrievers and on the back of a horse, I've been in the forest more times than I can count. I've seen it in every weather type and it still slighty amazes how it never seems to disappoint.

With the forest wildlife collection I want to introduce you to the forests of Europe, mainly known as the British wildlife collection, but also to all kinds of species from North America. And, what about the cozy winter animals, living in the coldest and snowy areas of Scandinavia, nothern Asia & the North Pole? These forest animal paintings are perfect to bring some warmth and coziness in your interior.




ADDRESS: can be given by E-mail




KVK: 61433284  |  © 2021 by Dominique Laurine -DEAU

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